I'm a 2024 Fund for Teachers Fellow!

Five years ago, I wrote and received a professional development grant through Fund for Teachers (FFT) and became a 2019 FFT Fellow. Through this experience, I traveled to Costa Rica and studied for a full month! It was a truly life-changing experience. If you are interested in learning about my past fellowship as well, you can read my Costa Rica blog

I wanted to use another FFT Fellowship to build my knowledge of life science and incorporate my learning and teaching through multiple STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) fields. So in January 2024, I applied to become a FFT Fellow. I am so excited to announce that I am a 2024 Fund for Teacher Fellow

My fellowship goal is to “Attend the PBL World 2024 conference in Napa, California, while deepening my knowledge of Project Based Learning. This would help me to incorporate multiple STEAM subjects through PBL, fully engaging students while also introducing them to potential STEAM careers.”

During my amazing adventure, I will learn additional strategies to engage my students and help them learn through rigorous and authentic project-based learning projects. I will develop a fifth-grade unit on plants and their adaptations in different environments.

A secondary goal is to model my love of learning by participating in activities and getting outside to enjoy nature. By taking an active role in learning, I hope to spark interest in one or more of my students. While in Northern California, I hope to attend all of PBL World 2024's functions, make a fresh lavendar wreath, e-bike through Napa Valley's vineyards, visit a botanical garden, hone my watercolor-painting skills, and participate in a hands-on farm-to-table cooking class.

I will describe many of my activites on this web site. I encourage students, friends, and family members to read and comment on the blog. I hope all of you can learn from and participate in this adventure! If you have expertise to offer or a fabulous question to ask, please share. Feel free to be an active part of this exciting educational experience!


  1. I’m back to teaching 4th grade again, and I look forward to reading about your adventures! Congratulations to you, my friend!

    1. Irma, I hope you have a great year. I have been teaching mostly third grade and am moving up to fifth next year. I am looking forward to it!

  2. Looking forward to seeing your adventures!

  3. Sounds exciting

  4. Going to be a great experience!!


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